Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Role Of The Gastrointestinal Tract And Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction: This study examines the ATP binding cassette transporters, ABCA1 and ABCG1 and their presence in the small intestines (GI tract) during a chronic inflammatory disease, diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes). ABCA1 and G1 are important in the regulation of glucose levels in the blood in the small intestine when type 2 diabetes is present. The relationship of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes mellitus has become increasingly important in the scientific community. The GI tract plays a key role in glucose homeostasis. The GI tract becomes inflamed in the presence of diabetes mellitus causing various complications. ABCA1 and ABCG1 play important parts in glucose homeostasis, insulin secretion, and cell survival. However, these transporter proteins, in normal conditions, are overshadowed by other molecules with similar functions. Interestingly, ABCA1 and ABCG1 have inflammatory functions as well. Type 2 diabetes is an inflammatory disease. If ABCA1 and ABCG1 are increased in an inflamed intestine, as in the case of diabetes mellitus, then these molecules are a direct alteration from this disease because these molecules have anti-inflammatory functions and the inflammation of the intestine is a primary cause. Before the study was done, the researchers needed to have a significant understanding of diabetes mellitus: How a patient could obtain this disease, and how to actually diagnose this disease and not mistake it for type 1 diabetes. They obtained otherShow MoreRelatedInternational Conference On Harmonization Guidelines1612 Words   |  7 Pagesis available in Canada as Apo-Metformin but Vildagliptin (Glavus) is not available in Canada and is needed to shipping from US under the Health Canada Regulations (Part C, Division 5). 1.1 Background Diabetes mellitus is a common diseases in the world and Canada is diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus has been starting to grow all over the world. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Midterm essay exam Free Essays

Q#1: Regarding science and religion, what historically has changed? Explain. It is a fact that in history, science and religion are always having conflict with each other. This should not be the scenario since the history had proved that in the Western culture, there were two books entitled The Book of Nature and the Book of Scripture that was believed to be bought created by God. We will write a custom essay sample on Midterm essay exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now The history of science had been associated with many religious works. During the Middle Ages, there was a time that the Islamic countries had embraced the science of mathematics, and astronomy that was being turned away by the Christian Europe. The scientific teachings were based from the ancient Greek discoveries. The Islamic people consisting of Muslim scholars had done additional developments in the field of scientific teachings. However, in the thirteenth century the Christian Europe again had decided to embrace the scientific heritage. They were commonly called the Christian monks and Christian theologians. In the entire duration of the late Middle Ages and even in the Renaissance period, almost all the scientist was also the people who leads the church. As the history continued in the eighteenth century, more and more men of science were also deep believers of different religions. The church had also begun to take part in influencing the universities and all institutes that promote higher form of teachings. Schools for the trainings to become clergy and other church functionaries were also being established. An essential breakthrough in the seventeenth century which is called the â€Å"scientific revolution† had again involved men from the religious groups who were the great pioneers and founders of the renewed science. Almost all the science founders aimed that they could put harmony in their works in science and their obligations in their religion. Not until the start of the nineteenth century, this was the common thought of the scientist. The start of the nineteenth century up to these days had marked a notable change in the history of science and religion. The warfare for science and religion had started with the revolutionary book Charles Darwin entitled â€Å"On the Evolution of Species by Means of Natural Selection†. Many scientists had several views that pertain to the thought that religion is a great threat to science which was carried until these days (Faith and Reasons, 2007). Q#2: Discuss the importance of the circle as a symbol for indigenous religions. Circle as a symbol for the indigenous religions refers to the sacred space. The sacred space describes a magical ritual. The magical ritual is a practice that is being utilized in the Ritual Magic and In Wicca. The magical ritual came from the practices of the medieval magic and witchcraft. This symbol was shared by most of the folk magicians in many countries. The temple of initiation which is circular simply means that it is a representation of the universe is the main point of the Zoroasteric mysteries of Persia. In the circular temple there is a sun located in the east which is also represented as a circle that symbolizes the universe. A celebration in Athens termed as the great mysteries of Eleusis indeed given points that the circle is the symbolism for the universe. According to one of the officers from St. Chrysostom, the circular figure represented the sun. Moreover, in the Egyptian mysteries of Osiris also contains the sun as referred to the representation of the universe. They have this so called Sun-god who appeared into the Earth in the sun’s settings. The temple of initiation of the Celtic mysteries of Druids is also an oval or a circle. It is an oval because the circular temple of initiation represents the routinary egg which symbolizes the earth. Some temples of initiation of the Celtic mysteries is also circular aside from being oval because for them, the circular figure was the symbol of the universe. The temple of initiation sometimes is also built following the cruciform. The reason of the cruciform is that it represents the reference to the four elements. The four elements are commonly termed as the components of the universe. The use of the circle as an important symbol for the indigenous religions had only proven the many uses of the circle in the ancient times. Moreover, the many uses of the circle had also proven its universality as an important symbol in the ancient times (Emick, 2007). Q#3: What is the foundational core of Buddhist teachings? Explain. Buddhism is known to be a dharmic religion. It is also regarded as a philosophy. It is commonly known as the Buddha Dharma or the Dhamma. Buddha Dharma signifies the â€Å"teachings of the awakened one†. It was founded by Siddharta Gautama around the fifth century BCE. Siddharta Gautama was referred to as â€Å"The Buddha†. Siddharta Gautama had introduced the Four Noble Truth that was considered to be the fundamental core of the Buddhist teachings. The Four Noble Truth was a way for them to attain the bodhi and the termination of pain and suffering or what is commonly called the Nirvana. The first noble truth of the Buddhist teaching is the Dukkha. Dukkha is called the noble truth of suffering. The noble truth of suffering is a part of all the stages in the life of a person. Since birth until the death of a Buddhist, he experience suffering. Moreover, Buddhism principles are also centered with suffering. Sufferings in the life of a Buddhist include sufferings during his birth and aging. Having a disease or illness is also part of the Buddhist sufferings. The second noble truth is called the Samudaya which means that the sufferings in the first noble truth are solely caused by desire. The result of the sufferings is simply explained by the Samudaya. Expectations that are linked to the desires of a believer and most especially the attachment of the believer to the desires are the ones that explain the Samudaya (Boddhi, 2000). Nirodha is the third noble truth. It symbolizes the termination of suffering. As the sufferings had ended and were being forgotten by the Buddhist, these means that the understanding of the right meaning of the Nirodha had been inculcated in him. And in order for the believer to entirely forget and free himself from a suffering, he must be able give up and surrender the pains he had gone through. The forth and the final noble truth is the termination of the desires or what is called as the Magga. In order for the believer to get rid of his desires he must follow the Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path consists of the right view, right intention, right speech and right action. Right livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration are also included in the Noble Eightfold Path (Yamamoto, 2000). Q#4: What was the role of the Temple for ancient Judaism? According to the book of Chronicles, the First Temple was built in the 10th century BCE. This was built by King Solomon for seven years to replace the Tabernacle of Moses and the Tabernacles of Shiloh, Nov and Givon. These Tabernacles were also once the center point for the Jewish faith. The First Temple had symbolized the center of ancient Judaism. For the entire millennium, the First Temple had continued to be the central point for all the services done by the Jewish. As time had passed, the First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586. After seventy years, it was again built by Cyrus the Great in 516 BCE. The temple had been the Second Temple. There are many roles of the in the ancient Judaism. During the time when the course of the bible of Hebrews was being carried out, the temple serves to be the place for offerings. The offerings include the daily and the morning ones. Offerings done on Shabbat and Jewish holidays which are considered special for the Hebrews were also celebrated in the Temple. During the course of the offerings, there will be a certain time when the Levites recite psalms. Psalms such as the Psalm of the Day and special psalms for the new month are the ones recited by the Jewish. The temple for the ancient Judaism is meant to be the model and recreation of the Garden of Eve. That is the reason while the courtyards of the Temple contained plenty of trees, flowers and fountains (Stager, 2000). For the Jewish, the temple is viewed as central or the focal point wherein rituals are done. It was then considered to be the only place wherein the creation of contact between men, women and the higher spheres were done.   It is the place considered to be the eternal dwelling place for the Jewish in order for them to do contact with the powers above them. Moreover, it was also a place which they believed the place where their gods have crossed in order to surpass their celestial environment to be able to descend on earth (Nibley, 1992). References: Bhikkhu Bodhi (2000). â€Å"The Collected Discourses of the Buddha: A new translation of the Samyutta Nikaya†. Somerville: Wisdom Publications. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Noble_Truths#_ref-1   Emick, Jennifer. (2007). Your Guide to Alternative Religion. The New York Times Company. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from http://altreligion.about.com/library/texts/bl_symbolismfreemasonry17.htm Faith and Reasons. (2007). History of Science and Religion. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from http://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/intro/histo-frame.html Mackey, Albert. (2007). The Symbolisms of Free Masonry. The New York Times Company. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from http://altreligion.about.com/library/texts/bl_symbolismfreemasonry17.htm Nibley, Hugh W. (1992). The meaning and functions of Temples. Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4. Macmillan Publishing Company. Retrieved July 26, 2007 from http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/temples/purpose.html Stager, Lawrence. (2006). Garden of Eve. Biblical Archaeology Review. Retrieved July 26, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_in_Jerusalem Yamamoto, Kosho. (2000) The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra in 12 Volumes (Nirvana Publications. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Noble_Truths#_ref-1    How to cite Midterm essay exam, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Problem and its backgroud free essay sample

Actually what Jesus and other religious leaders id was not identified as scientific experiment in human relations because there was no real need at that time for the scientific study of human situations. In Modern living however, there can be found innumerable symptoms of misunderstanding and conflict at all levels of the society. For example, the labor disputes between employees and employers, the increase in uprising against the government, the numerous crimes, the fast turnover in employment, increasing divorce rate, student demonstrations and the like are some of the symptoms to date.Recent development in psychology and psychiatry has introduced principles bout understanding the relations between human beings. It emphasizes that industrialization of civilization has indicated the need for research in human relations to better understand the personal interactions of men as they affect production. In fact, one study conducted on the problem of human relations was done by the Wester n Electric Company to determine the factors of high productivity among workers. One of the most interesting of the conclusion Of this study was the external factors, such us physical working conditions, had little effect on production.Changes in social and psychological organizations played an important part. It was found that it was not the music that played over loud speakers in factory rooms, or the lounges that were provided for rest periods, that affected production, but rather how will one worker got along with another and/or with the boss. Expounding the importance of human relations, James Tarry (1991 ) in his book Love and Profit: the Art of Caring Leadership, says Good management is a largely a matter of love. Or if you are uncomfortable with that word, call it caring.The apostle Paul put it this way, If I had the gift of able to speak in onuses, and could speak in every language there is in all of heaven and earth, but I didnt love others, it would be of no value whatever. I could only be making a lot of noise like a loud gong or clanging cymbal (1 C orinthian 13:1, New Living Bible, 1996). Stephen Covey calls it seeking first to understand rather than to be understood (Covey, 1990). Auteur the apostle Paul and Covey have all discovered and articulated a principle that effective instructional leaders seek to practice in their lives human relation skills.The leadership literatures gave examples of individuals who have the accessory competence to do their jobs they just dont have people skills. There are many well-meaning school administrators who have all the necessary certification, know good instruction, and even have vision of what their school could and should become. But they are remarkably like Deed, a CEO, described by Warren Bennie (1989) He was very competent and very ambitious. But he was a also a tyrant. He was impulsive and frequently abusive of people who worked for him. They would actually cower in his presence.He had a desperate need to control both people and events. He was incapable of thanking anyone or a job well done he couldnt even give a complement. On the other hand, Mclean (1998) emphasized that effective instructional leaders (e. G. Deans, principals and department chairmen) are confident about their human relation skills. They are able to articulate what they do well and are always willing to learn. Nancy Carbon, a school leader, as interviewed by Mclean summarized her daily task this way: I think the main human relations skill possess is the willingness to give people a voice in the daily business of the school.I firmly believe that inviting people to participate in decision making is what makes a school ark best. I am willing also to admit when I am wrong and to change a course of action if most of the staff feel it is note advisable for the school. Hinds (1 998), a practicing PRO and author of the book Human Relations Practices in Schools, underscored that human relations practices must top the learned skills by the school administrators. The administrator/dean/ principal school leader has contact with the public in many ways.He works with people individually and in formal and informal groups, both inside and outside the school system. Hence, school administrator needs to understand owe and why people behave so that he may be in the better position to predict and perhaps con trol their behavior. To date, human relations top the list of problems reported by practicing administrators. Hinds explain that human relations problems in educational organizations are likely to be posed bathe top people. The coldness of a department head, for example, presents the rests of the department with anxieties and inhibitions in the friendship relations.The quality of faculty and staff relationships depends a great deal upon the school administrator, action speaks louder than words. The manner in which he school administrators relates with faculty, staff, students and general public will demonstrate whether or not he has sincere belief in the worth of the individual. The emphasis upon human relations in school administration is a part of the new shift in concepts of administration in general. It can, therefore, be said that no workers in any others profession serving the people need greater understanding of human relation than the school administrators. Likewise, recent experiment in human relations has gradually evolved from examples set by business Organizations and forward looking school system. In fact, human relationships have been with us as long as there have people, but the attempt to deal with them on a planned basis is relatively new. Even if the entire process of education becomes entirely electronic, it must be acknowledge that, in order for institutions like schools to function effectively, the human relations have to be given serious attention.Learning institutions can no longer keep up the pretence that relationships do not affect performance, either academic or professional. There is of course, a wide range of attitudes to do this issue. There are teachers who claim that heir prime responsibility is to organize their students intellectual development, whereas other argues and quite legitimately, that the major source of difficulty in their work has to do with the problem of relating to their school heads, students an d colleagues, and once this has been sorted out, the academic issues are relatively simple.Rogers (2003) revealed that there is definite evidence that putting the emphasis on the quality of human relations in educational institutions can have a positive effect on the one area which is normally held sacrosanct i. E. Academic achievement It therefore appears that everyone is now seeing the wisdom of a more humanistic approach to education which places a strong emphasis on establishing good relationships in and outside the classrooms. To achieve this, Hewitt (1998) suggests: Success in life is controlled largely by our ability to build relationships and communication is the fuel and the currency of relationship.However, among all the researches done on human relations, there are comparatively few dealing with human relations in higher learning institutions among academic and non-academic personnel. It seemed for the researcher, hat there should be more consideration given to human interactions in colleges or universities administrators based upon the democratic principle that the individual is of supreme worth and the only concrete reality which we can deal with.In the light of the recent findings, insights and current events in human relations which suggest that educational leadership first b egins with a connection to the heart and not with management skills, this researcher advocates that deans and service directors visa-a-visa with their faculty and staff resolve their academic or personal differences in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation. Clearly, openness and trust are essential for human relations. It is in this context that this researcher got interested in undertaking this study entitled, Relationships and Effects of the Human Relations Practices of College Administrators of College De San Lorenz on Morale and Organizational Commitments of their Faculty Members. The researcher would like to test whether or not human relations practices Of college administrators have directs or indirect effects on the performance, morale and commitment of their faculty and staff. Theoretical Framework The theory underlying this study is the Theory of Human Relations by Elton Mayo and company (Lousier, 1993).Mayo believed in addition to skill development, managers should develop the will or motivation of employee so that they will not only be productive but also be satisfied. The two aims of organization are productivity and satisfaction. As a refinement of human relation theory, subsequent studies were conducted and generated these two major findings: 1) Happiness and Productivity. Many behavi orists have attacked some Hawthorne findings, calling them Anae and in certain case erroneous. One of the most vigorous attacks has been made against the oppositely Hawthorne generated findings that happy workers will be productive workers.This stinging attack has so stigmatize human relations that in many colleges of business the term is no longer used because it carries the connotations that happiness automatically leads to productivity. The term organizational behavior is used instead; and 2) The Role of Participation. A second misunderstanding revolved around the role of participation. For many of the post Hawthorne human relations, participation was viewed as lubricant that would reduce resistance to company directives and would insure greater cooperation.Over the past 50 years this view has changes. Human relation realized that it is important to allow people to participate, feel important, belong as member of a group, be informed, be listened to, and exercise some self-direction and self-control. However, this is not enough. All these things ensure that the workers will be treated well, but modern relations now realized that the personnel do not want only to be treated well, they want to be used well (Hodges, 1996).It is the belief of this researcher that no workers in any other profession serving the people need greater understanding of human relations than do he school administrators. After all, these school administrators do have contact with the general public in many ways, both inside and out side the school system. Hence, they need to understand how and why people behave that way so that they will be in a better position to predict and perhaps control their clientele behavior. More so, human relations management does not imply simply liking people.It is not a belief that workers adversely affect productivity, or that participation leads to job satisfaction, and greater be on ways to make workers feel like contributors worthwhile task accomplishment, and that they re do ing something constructive and meaningful about working relationship within the organization. In the Seven Habits of Highly Effective people (1 990), author Stephen Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle centered approach for solving personal and professional problems.With anecdotes Covey reveals a step- by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity principles that give us the security to adapt to power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creator. From seven habits of highly effective people which undoubtedly very valuable to our dealings with people, the allowing are applicable in human relations: Be proactive; Think win-win; Seek first to understand then to be understood and synergies (See Figure 1).This researcher personally believe that the aforementioned human relations theory applied in educational administration/management gave him basic concepts, insights, direction and anchorage in undertaking this investigation. Conceptual Framework In this particular study, the researcher will use IV-DVD Model to clearly e xplain whether there is relationship between human relations practices of college administrators and the morale and commitment of faculty and staff in an academe setting. The IV is an abbreviation for independent variables (i. E. In this study it refers to human relations practices of college administrators and also their personal profile such as age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, and years of experience). On the other hand, DVD is an abbreviation of dependent variables representing the morale and organizational commitment of the faculty and staff and likewise the proposed management intervention designed to assure and maintain a healthy working relationships between/among the college administrators and their faculty and staff. Figure 2 below illustrates the IV-DVD Model as conceptual paradigm of the study. Figure 2.Conceptual Paradigm Statement of the Problem This study aims to investigate the relationship and effects of the human relations practices of college administrators on the morale and organizational commitment of their faculty and staff and results of the study will be a basis for developing school management intervention scheme. Specifically, it sought answers to the following sub- problems: 1. What is the profile Of the administrators in terms Of: 1. 1 age, 1. Gender, 1 . Civil status, 1 Educational attainment, . Enough of service as college administrator, and 1. Number of trainings and seminars on human relations attended? 2.How do the faculty and staff respondents assessed the human relations practices of their administrators? 3. Is there significant difference between the faculty and staff in their of the human relations practices of their administrators? 4. Assessment What is the level of morale and commitment of the faculty and staff? 5. DO the human relations practices of the college administrators significantly affect the morale and commitment of the faculty and staff? 6. Do human elations practices of college admit instigators, morale and organizational commitment of the faculty and staff significantly moderated by the profile of the administrators? . Based on the findings of this study, what management intervention scheme can be developed to assure a healthy working relationship between/among college administrators and the faculty and staff? Hypotheses of the Study 1. There is no significant difference between the faculty and staff in their assessment Of the human relations practices Of their college administrators. 2. The human relations practices of the college administrators do not significantly affect morale and commitment of their faculty and staff. 3.The human relations practices of the college administrators and the morale and commitment of the faculty and staff is not significantly moderated by the profile of the college administrators. Significance of the Study The findings fifths study can be useful and significant to the following: School Administrators. This study will provide essential information on the effects of healthy and faulty human relations practices of school administrators and therefore serving as wake up call for them to be more unman, subtle and courteous in dealing with their faculty and staff.Likewise this study suggests that some college administrators, faculty and staff received no training in human relations. It is, therefore, imperative, that administrators, faculty and staff should undergo training on human relations as step gap solution that would create social bonding or feeling of community that would increase levels of openness and trust been college administrators and faculty/staff. Policy Maker s of Tertiary Schools. The empirical information as outcome of this study would be helpful to policy Akers (i. E. , board of trustees or board of directors) in formulating policy on the use/application of human relations practices among deans, faculty, staff and students aimed at establishing a climate of mutual respect in the campus that will contribute morale and organizational commitment of academic and supportive personnel to the learning institution, leading to enhance the capability of the school to achieve competitive advantage.Faculty. Implications of this study is designed to professionalism the practices of faculty, that teachers should be given the opportunity and encourage to articulate in team building activities, such as membership to committees, involvement in curriculum planning, and organization of school events. This academic practice could resolved differences of school heads and faculty in the spirit of goodwill and cooperation. Researchers.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Starry Night Over the Rhone Painting by Vincent Van Gogh Essay Example For Students

Starry Night Over the Rhone Painting by Vincent Van Gogh Essay Starry Night Over the Rhine was painted along the banks of the Rhine River. What I first see when I look at this painting is the city lights reflecting off the water while a couple takes a walk on the nearby shore. The sky is filled with stars, including the Great Bear, commonly known as the Big Dipper. Van Gogh shifted the sky around in order to create an even more extraordinary display of stars. From his point of view the town of Arles lay to the south west; the Big Dipper he painted in the sky was actually in the north behind him. Starry Night Over the Rhà ´ne We will write a custom essay on Starry Night Over the Rhone Painting by Vincent Van Gogh specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Towards the left you can see the towers of Saint Julienne and Saint Trophies, and the bridge connecting Arles to Tranquiller on the right. In the far horizon, a church steeple is shown. Starry Night Over the Rhine was described in a letter from Vincent Van Gogh as a cheerful piece, but when the painting was finished almost a year later, it had a revised mood and meaning. The work is dark, but serene. Many believe that the swelling depression in Van Gogh distorted the original sketchs romantic charm. This painting is a reflection of inner torment and mental distress. The animated strokes, the bright, vivacious colors of the stars contrasting against the dark blues and blacks of the night reveal his cry for hope, light and love. The focal point of Starry Night Over the Rhine is the constellation of the Big Dipper. Vincent Van Gogh brings attention to the Big Dipper by using color and value. The sky is the lightest shade of blue around the Big Dipper. The bright yellow stars in the constellation contrast with the blue to bring focus to them. Van Gogh uses the lines in the ground under the couple and around the edge f the water to make a circular motion that brings the eyes back to the focal point of the Big Dipper. Van Gogh also uses contrasting directional lines in the sky to make the stars stand out. The texture of the entire painting is very thick because of the method of impasto that Van Gogh used. A closer look at the Starry Night Over the Rhine reveals that Vincent Van Gogh gave equal visual weight to all the things that he painted. In this painting there is no visual distinction between the earth and the sky. Van Gogh shows unity throughout the piece with the lights, both natural and an-made. For every star or group of stars there is a city light or group of lights, which then has a reflection in the water. At the waters edge near the couple, it is nearly impossible to see the distinction between land and water. The low contrast makes it hard to tell whether the ship is sinking in the water, or merely Just docked. The bright lights have a high contrast to the dark blue-black sky and water. The way the water is depicted creates a rhythm that gives the illusion of waves rippling. The Starry Night Over the Rhine is an oil painting on canvas and the technique is broad ND sweeping brushstrokes. Vincent Van Gogh also used the technique of impasto in this painting. Impasto is very thick application of paint, usually wet on wet. This technique gives the painting texture and movement. Van Gogh painted rapidly, with a sense of urgency, using the paint straight from the tube. Van Gogh painted emotionally, trying to throw his heart onto the canvas and evoke feeling. (http:// www. Ratable. Com/artists/Vincent_van_Gogh/paintings/starry_night_over_the_Rhine) When I look at The Starry Night Over the Rhine, I feel infinite. .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .postImageUrl , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:hover , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:visited , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:active { border:0!important; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:active , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Clown Of 12Th Night, Feste EssayThis painting makes me feel at peace, like I could Just look at it forever. It reminds me of the song Bella Note from Lady and the Tramp. A quote I particularly like from Vincent Van Gogh is l dont know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream. This painting truly exhibits this quote. The Starry Night Over the Rhine is magical and beautiful. It is one of very few pieces of artwork that I feel this way about, which is why I selected it for this assignment. I can not imagine a better piece of art to own.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When you wish upon a dream essays

When you wish upon a dream essays The research of consciousness, or states of awareness, has provided numerous interesting and influential studies. Sleep, dreams, and hypnosis are states of awareness that have intrigued psychologists because they relate to the quality of psychological interaction with the environment. States of awareness change constantly, which produces changes in behavior. Studies in this area have made great contributions to the understanding of psychology. Researchers pursuing answers about states of awareness discovered Rapid Eye Movement sleep and how it relates to dreaming. Rosalind Cartwright, a leading researcher in this area, takes the study of consciousness to another level by suggesting that people may be able to control what they dream about. Many psychologists have theorized about why people dream. "Sigmund Freud believed that dreams were windows to your unconscious; that your greatest unfulfilled wishes and fears would be expressed symbolically in your dreams." Freud's view has been highly influential, and psychotherapists still use dream interpretation during therapy. Chrick and Mitchilson's "mental housekeeping hypothesis says that you need to dream to clean your mind of information you collect over time that is useless, overly bizarre, or redundant." Rosalind Cartwright developed the theory that dreams provide and extension of thought in order for people to solve problems they face in life. This approach allows people to experiment with, and gain insight into potential solutions. Cartwright suggested that if a personally relevant presleep wish is made then the topic is likely to enter into dreams. She believed people are most concerned with personality aspects they would like to change, or "cognitive inconsistency about the self". Cartwright predicted that dreams that follow focus on a personally relevant problem would be related to that topic; and that in the dream the person would approach the situation differently than while aw...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Proposal On Tailor Made Adventure Holidays Tourism Essay

Business Proposal On Tailor Made Adventure Holidays Tourism Essay This report puts forth a unique business proposal, based on tailor-made adventure holidays. This business plan encompasses unique holiday packages for adventure lovers residing in the United Kingdom, attractive deal of prices and promises of delivering a true value for money experience to our customers, a clear understanding of the market, the anchoring segmentation, marketing and pricing strategies that confirm a competitive edge over existing players in the market, along with the financial projections made in light of realistic terms and conditions. â€Å"To deliver our customers an entire experience to value, rather than a mere service for a value.† Our aim is to make it a very simple and pleasant experience for our customers at every step, i.e. right from the time they consult us to bookings made, to the time their trip comes to an end and even after that we intend to live up to the needs of a good and lasting customer relationship. â€Å"To encourage eco-tourism.† Our second aim is to actively encourage eco-tourism. Any kind of harm caused to the ecology, if witnessed, would certainly not be entertained. Our effort towards this aim would be, say, taking care of the camels during camel safari that is amongst one of our packages for trip to Rajasthan in India. Also, not causing any kind of disruptions to the space and milieu of various animals, during trips to forests, would be highly acknowledged. Especially, during trips to forests in Africa which form a paradise for several endangered species. Our objectives are: â€Å"To be the first choice of our prospective customers.† We wish to be the first choice of the adventure lovers in the UK, seeking to book adventure trips for themselves. â€Å"To rule the niche market of exclusive tailor-made adventure holidays.† Considering the fact that we belong to an extremely niche market, it is one of our prime objectives to dominate the market, where customers come to us by choice, and not just by chance. â€Å"To cover as many as, all the adventurous destinations round the globe by 2020.† We intend to take our customers to numerous destinations to adventure the real variety of adventure! Right from the soft adventures like balloon safaris through the royal palaces of the incredible Rajasthan in India to extreme adventures of confronting the ultimate wildlife in the bushes of Amazon. In years to come, not only cover, but we also intend to discover such adventurous destinations round the globe that are still waiting to be seen and experienced. Product PRODUCT The product we would be offering is the various packages to the destinations mentioned below. Destinations Europe Asia Africa Polland India Spain Thailand Amazon Turkey Tanzania Uganda Initially, we have chosen these eight destinations because, they exhibit variety in adventure. Our packages to these destinations would be promoted by the following names: Phenomenal India Wild Tanzania Thai venture Enticing Poland Frantic Amazon Sensational Spain Kingkong Uganda Thrill In Turkey CHARACTERISTICS OF OUR PRODUCT Exclusively for UK residents wanting to book an adventure tour. Our main focus as far as customers are concerned, are the people residing only in the United Kingdom and the ones who want to go for an adventure trip in particular.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Title is Open Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Title is Open - Essay Example Much emphasis will however be given to his noteworthy accomplishments and their importance or influence in the current century. Gauss had a lot of influence in the field of mathematics. He was the first mathematician to prove the theorem of algebra, a concept that is used to solve many mathematical problems even today. Writing of the book by the name Disquisitines Arithmeticae is another great achievement of Gauss. Another significant achievement is the discovery of the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity. This is an incredibly fundamental concept in today’s world. It allows individuals to establish whether there can be a solution to quadratic equations. Gauss also made a lot of contributions to science. For instance, he made it easy to understand the concepts of the nature of electricity and magnetism (West, 2008). Algebra is widely utilized today. Companies use it to project annual budgets. It is also combined with statistics to predict companies’ annual turnover. Algebra is also used in learning institutions to prepare annual reports of students as well as in predicting usage of the different materials used in examinations. It is also used in the calculation of payable income tax, bank interest as well as annual table income. We also use algebra unconsciously in our day to day lives, for example, in comparing of various products with respect to quantities while doing shopping. These are just some of this century’s applications of algebra, a concept attributed to Gauss. The other achievement is the publication of the book; Disquisitines Arithmeticae, at the age of 24years. Although written long ago, it is considered as one of the most significant books in the mathematics field today. This book has made the understanding of various mathematical concepts easier. This is because Gauss brought together the isolated theorems and conjectures from works of other mathematicians thus filling the gaps that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Student Health and Performance related to IAQ in Schools Research Paper

Student Health and Performance related to IAQ in Schools - Research Paper Example Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is one of those fundamental factors. IAQ directly influences student health and performance as a consequence. This work examines how IAQ negatively contributes to student health and performance. By analysis of past research and the body of literature generated on them, the focus of this work demonstrates that low quality indoor air negatively affects student health with a similar impact on performance. In contrast, high quality air promotes students’ health and their performance. The study imputes a relationship of direct proportionality between indoor air quality and student health and performance and concludes with desirable courses of action as suggestions. It concludes that better quality air improves students’ health, the benefit that reflects on better grades. Student health and performance forms a fundamental aspect in every education system. As such, stakeholders in the education sector would like to ensure that student remain healthy at all times and perform well academically as well as in curricular activities. To achieve optimum performance, the learning environment must have essential features; one of them being Indoor Air Quality. This paper aims at establishing the link between indoor air quality and student performance with the objective of clearly demonstrating the relationship between the two and coming up with viable options to improve student health and performance. The study takes a qualitative approach in its methodology. Library research is used as the primary information resource. Libraries sources offer the relevant books and journals. Information from reputable websites is also used to augment information from library research. Researchers have authoritatively established that poor IAQ exposes students to numerous diseases and acute health symptoms. When students actually suffer from such

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Unilever in Brazil Essay Example for Free

Unilever in Brazil Essay The goal of Unilever Brazil is to target the low income consumers, in order to gain market share among this segment they should develop an extension of Minerva brand with a small packaging and a cheaper formulation that maintains a good quality. The low income consumers are the most discerning consumers, and when spending from a limited budget they cannot afford to waste money on products they do not trust to be effective . This segment values price, effectiveness and fragrance, and wash manually, hence they prefer soap rather than powder. Unilever already sell Minerva in its soap version which is considered a medium quality product in terms of cleanliness, smell and dissolving power according to Exhibit 1.But this product is still expensive for low income consumers. Unilever should continue working with the brand Minerva and develop a new sub-product inside this brand with a cheaper formulation and a small packaging. That way the Minerva brand will contain two products with the following Portuguese names: †¢Minerva Expresso. The original Minerva formula and packaging for detergent and soap targeted to middle income costumers. The usual promotion of this product should change to make customers aware about the new name. Distribution, placement and price should not change. †¢Minerva Aà §Ãƒ £o. A new cheaper formula of Minerva soap, maintaining a good quality and fragrance. The key to access to this market is to leverage the Minerva’s brand as a quality product. Packaging should be plastic to reduce costs by a 30% and sizes should be two types: one individual bar and three bars. Low income customers have a limited budget and usually buy consumer goods thinking on a short term. Is for that reason, that a value proposition of a cheap, good quality and fragrance product in a small package is more appealing than a bigger package which usually is more expensive. The price should be $1.40 per kg, a little higher than Bem-te-vi (the traditional laundry soap brand in Brazil) to differentiate it from low quality and cheap products, but still low enough to be attractive to low income consumers who are looking for a good quality and nice fragrance soap bar (see Exhibit 2). There is no cannibalization of Campeiro because soap and powder customers  could be considered as different markets. Promotion should be a below-the-line communication plan focusing on point-of-purchase marketing and trade promotions in those areas where the low income customers reside and buy. A global media advertising campaign shouldn’t be considered for the potential impact on Unilever reputation in other customer segments and markets. Distribution is another important key to access to the customer segment, the use of specialized distributors will ensure the delivery of the product in specific areas and will maintain the price strategy. This strategy will help Unilever to position its product as the quality product inside the economy laundry products market (see Exhibit 3). Leveraging the Minerva brand with a low price product will help Unilever to increase sales and to gain market share among the low income customers segment. Additionally the high margin of Minerva Aà §Ãƒ £o will result in substantial profits (see Exhibit 4 for product’s attributes and margin). Exhibit 1. Attribute Importance, Brand Positioning, and Consumer Expectations in the Northeast Source: Insead Case Exhibit 2. Consumers who find scent/fragrance to have a high or very high amount of influence on their choices of household cleaning and laundry products Source: Consumer and Innovation Trends in Laundry Care. DATAMONITOR Consumer, December 2012 Exhibit 3. Product Positioning Source: Insead Case Exhibit 4. Products’ Attributes and Margins AttributeMinerva ExpressoMinerva Aà §Ãƒ £o Format-Powder -Soap-Soap Cleanliness-Medium-High-Medium-Low Fragrance-Nice-Nice Price-Powder: $2.40 per kg -Soap: $1.70 per kg-$1.40 per kg Packaging-Powder: Cardboard 1kg500g. Cost: $0.35 per kg -Soap: Plastic pack with 5 bars of 200g. Cost: $0.15 per kg-Plasitc pack with 1 bar of 40g. Cost: $0.09 per kg -Plastic pack with 3 bars of 120g. Cost: $0.10 per kg Formulation-Powder: $1.40 per kg -Soap: $1 per kg-$0.8 Promotion-Powder: $0.30 per kg -Soap: $0.25 per kg-0.05 per kg Distribution-Wholesaler: $0.10 per kg-Specialized Dist.: $0.05 per kg Margin per unit Powder2.4-(0.35+1.4+0.3+0.1)= 0.25 Soap1.7-(0.15+1+0.25+0.1)=0.21.4-(0.09+0.8+0.05+0.05)=0.41

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

Acid Rain Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. It causes harm to our own race as well because we eat these fish, drink this water and, eat these plants. About 20 years ago scientists first believed that acid rain was due to entirely air pollution. They were partially right. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England, pollution had been affecting all the trees, soil and rivers in Europe and North America. The use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are largely to be blamed for almost half of the emissions of sulfur dioxide in the world. However, there is another cause. The other cause is naturally occurring sulfur dioxide. Natural sources which release this gas are volcanoes, sea spray, rotting vegetation and plankton. The EPA {Environmental Protection Agency} has an acid rain program. This program is working to significantly reduce utilities’ emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the pollutants responsible for acid deposition. Across Europe there is a project going on in the schools, whose main goal is to educate young people about the changing nature of acid rain and the response of environmental systems to these changes, called â€Å"Acid Rain 2000†. Schools are being invited to join the project from across continental Europe as well as the UK. Already the project has participants in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland and Denmark. People can get more involved with wanting to solve this problem by becoming more aware of acid rain and spreading awareness as well. Awareness should start in the schools. Students should be given the right perspective about acidic rain. Some people are under the impression that acidic lakes are grimy and gross, when really they have a captivating beauty. Granted the reason the lakes are so clear and beautiful are for the wrong reasons, people should know what to look out for. Students should be taught to conserve fossil fuels at a very young age, for the fossil fuels will be gone one day. When conserving the fossil fuels, the students will also be limiting the amount of sulfur emitted into the air, which in turn lessens the amount of acidity in the rain.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Online education Essay

The tremendous growth in technology has changed our lives in many aspects. One of these aspects is online education, also called electronic learning. Online education originated from distance education, for those students, which plan to acquire knowledge through Internet. Today, there are so many universities that impart knowledge through online platforms. One good example of such platform is blackboard learning commonly known as bbvista, used in Drexel University. Students have a stereotypical image that traditional courses are better than online courses, but that’s not true. This image is quite impractical in this technology era. Online education opens new horizons for students to apply even in the universities that are far from their place. The students don’t have to drive to the school to attend a lecture and rather watch the slides online and do the required assignment for that topic. But there’s one drawback in this type of learning is that the student is missing valuable words of lecturer. The words of the lecturer is the extra knowledge that only those students can gain which are attending the lecture. The flexibility of online courses enables students to take their lessons whenever and wherever they want. Especially in Drexel University that has co-op system, the students can take online courses while they are on their co-op, from any part of the world. Another advantage of online course is that the assignments are open for a certain period of time, so the student has plenty of time to complete the assignment and submit it by just one click on the computer. Drexel University is one of the best examples that impart knowledge in good proportions of online education and traditional in-classroom education. They uses online platform Blackboard Vista to post syllabus of the course, lectures, homework, and grades. As we are in the generation of modern people, they also want technology to be a key part of their education. Another feature of Drexel is their library. In my opinion, Drexel’s library is no less than GOOGLE. It is a great source of books, articles, journals, and encyclopedias. Technology is one of the key features of Drexel. Gilbert said, â€Å"A Course is not a Pizza†. I believe course is very similar to pizza. Why do people order pizza for delivery? To save time of going there and eating. One of the main purposes of online courses is to save time only. Traditional classrooms are like going and eating the pizza in the restaurant itself. Does the taste of the pizza changes if we are eating it in restaurant or at home? Yes, at restaurant the pizza is hot and fresh whereas at home pizza might be cold, but we can reheat the pizza. The point is face-to-face interaction we get fresh knowledge means easy to understand whereas; in online education we have to make an extra effort to grab the knowledge that is like making an extra effort of reheating the pizza. An article in ‘The Chronicle of Higher Education’ by Jeffrey R. Young refers to an example that an educator can deliver his teachings without even going to any school or university. One such educator is Salman Khan who delivered his lectures from a bedroom closet. He made short videos of his lectures and posted on youtube. The videos weren’t like typical classroom lectures; rather the lectures were short, low-tech and bad drawings of Mr. Khan. But, these videos were helpful to some students and those students even donated few bucks via paypal. Mr. Khan named his collection of videos as †Khan Academy† and the subject that he can’t teach; he gives a crash course and prepares himself to teach other. Today, in the contemporary world so many parents can’t even afford education of their children. At this point these free videos can make lives of their children, as something is better than nothing. Even, Mr. Khan’s biggest goal was to deliver things the way he wished. In this way technology benefitted the educator as well as the students. Moreover, Online education improves communication and interaction between the instructor and the students. Communication technologies, such as E-mail have been a great benefit for especially shy students that are reluctant to ask question directly face-to-face with the instructor. So, students feel confident while expressing their feeling in writing rather than orally expressing them. Also, online education eliminates problem of time-delayed communication. For Example, the instructor poses a question, the student responds to it, and finally the instructor comments on it and grade it. So, the conversation ends here, student gets his grade and comment on his work, and finally the students are off to new topic. This technology era of smartphones and laptops has invaded our life and changed the way we think, live, communicate and learn. One of these changes is online education that was changed from time to time to improve the quality of education. Transitions are the part of nature. Today, sitting in a small room bounded by four walls and trying to gain knowledge seems old school. It doesn’t matter whether a course is taught in the classroom or online, what matters is, how the course is set up and taught by the instructor. So, any method of delivering knowledge can be successful, it’s just, how we acquire it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Influence of Globalization on Movies

The Influence of Globalization on movies Nowadays, movies, which are the most important entertainment of people, has spent much more money and time than before by a growing number of people. Different kinds of new movies play nearly everyday; and the way to watch a movie isn’t confined to the cinema. Along with the improvement of digital postproduction and digital effect is applied to the movies, they make people to be personally on the scene when you watch a movie. In the past twenty years, the changes of the ways to watch a movie and the movie technology have already influenced entertainment for people deeply. As we know, globalization on movies and films’ changes in the past twenty years had an effect on people’s daily life, so it was the reason for choosing this topic. We worked out six questionnaires about the project after deciding on the topic. We had 3 yes/no questions, for instance, do you like watching movies, how many movies do you watch per month and traditional movies are more valuable than commercial movies. In addition, we had a multiple choice in our survey, it is â€Å"Which kind of films do you like†. Besides these, two open questions were chosen, one is â€Å"What aspects of movie do you think have changed? †, another is â€Å"Which ways do you often watch movies? †. Our group planned to ask 12 people to answer the questions when we were finishing the questionnaires, so each group’s member needed to ask 3 people about the questions. Only my roommates were asked, and all questions were answered by a pencil. These men who were asked to answer the questions because of convenience; I could take up too much of their time to explain the project, the topic and the detail of the questions, too. The result was collected together when we finished asking the questions. The outcome of our survey is that all the interviewees like to watch movies. However, half of them watch movies less than 5 per month, nearly half of the interviewees watch 6 to 10 movies per month . Only one interviewee watches movies more than 20 per month. Disaster film and comedy film are the most popular movies among the interviewees, many people watch science fiction film and cartoon film as well. Fewer interviewees like watching crime film. A majority of people consider that movies’ theme need to change most because they want to watch a variety of movies. Meanwhile, the way to watch a movie is infinite variety, such as internet, at home by a DVD, cinema and web TV phone. Most interviewees also believe that traditional movies are more valuable than commercial movies. It can be seen from the survey’s figures that the ways to watch a movie and the movie technology have changed most in the past twenty years. Over the past days, only cinema was supplied for people who wanted to watch a movie. But now, more and more people watch movies at home through Family Cinema and computer because they make people comfortably. People can sit on the sofa even or lie in bed to watch a movie, and they are able to have some food and drink at the same time. However, in my opinion, movies’ changes which affect entertainment of people most is movie technology, particularly is computer digital special effects’ appearance. Digital special effect is not only a supplement for film editing, it have already penetrated into every aspect of movies, such as screenplay, scene, stage-ties and postproduction. The directors’ imagination is also at liberty to gallop on through the digital special effect. It makes people to be personally on the scene and shock each audience’s ghost. There is no doubt that people’s daily life is closed related to movies, and they play a very significant role in people’s entertainment life. Movies’ changes have never terminated in the past twenty years, and film industry has undergone enormous changes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Electoral College essays

Electoral College essays Who is really voting, the people or the selected few. The recent election involving Bush and Gore has heated up a fifty year old debate. The debate is about whether the Electoral College is still an effective system considering the circumstances the United States now faces compared to when it was created by the founding fathers. The Electoral College is an outdated system of election that misrepresents the people of the United States today. The college was created in a time where communication was limited. Treason, tyranny, and oppression from foreign countries were still a serious threat. In order to protect the people and the institution of America, the government created an election system that allowed the final vote to rest in the hands of a trusted and respected few. These selected few could disregard the popular vote because there was and still is no Constitutional provision or federal law requiring electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their states (National Archives and Records Administration). Fo r about one hundred and fifty years the United States has used a system that does not coincide with the most popular opinion, but yet, it has been the prevailing system that has not substantially changed with the evolution of American society. By the definition given by The New Lexicon Websters Dictionary Encyclopedic Edition, Democracy is a Government by the people, usually through elected representatives. People elect representatives to represent them in the in the overall government. For example, if the people of the state of Florida vote in the election between the two candidates Bush and Gore, and the majority of the people vote for Gore and the representatives, meaning the twenty-five electors of the state, vote for Bush, then there has been a misrepresentation. How is this country a Democracy when such a flaw would destroy the sole purpose of a dem...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Media Literacy and the Critical Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media Literacy and the Critical Process - Essay Example In the first episode, Nicole and Paris decided to leave their lifestyles and adapted to humble beginnings. In the next episode, the two characters travelled across the states in a pickup truck which was pink in colour. They engaged themselves in several activities such as working as house helps and catching crayfish. In the next setting, Paris and Nicole participate in several internships with different companies all over the United States. In this particular season, various episodes were not paid at all. Their internships were shortened because they could sometimes display unprofessionalism at the work places. In the fourth season, Nicole and Paris were leaving with different families. Their personal lives were the main focus since the setting of this season took place at their hometowns. The final straw ended when the two friends were not in good terms. Rescue me is a type of drama show which is very interesting to watch. The setting of this drama show is around Ladder 62 located in the New York City Fire subdivision. Rescue me tells the stories of the courageous individuals and the effort of their day-to-day lives. Denis Leary is the main character. He plays Tommy Gavin, a newly divorced father of two. One of his sons dies in season two. Tommy moves across the street from his ex-wife with an intention of staying near his children. Tommy could not stand seeing his wife move on with her life. Tommy takes his dissatisfactions out his friends and his job. For comparisons at a general level, the drama show reveals that several conflicts exist between men and women. These conflicts could lead to separations and divorces. Both the reality show and the drama show portray that relationship is a very important factor. Between the two programmes I would judge the drama show of rescue me as better. Rescue me is a drama that is worth taking a try. It has several life lessons attached to it. Furthermore, how the drama unfolds, makes it more

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business ethics - Research Paper Example The module takes ideas from all range of disciplines which include some of the greatest time while thinking how and understand, analyze all the ethical dilemmas in management. Business ethics Practical problems of the moral conduct in the business field, it emphasizes on the philosophy of the foundation of ethical conduct and other practical problems encountered daily. Much of the practical problems centers on the actual problem. Ethics is the study of what is admirable and right for human, business ethics refers to the aspect of human value. Business people speak about business ethics means, avoid breaking the law, in the relate work place, avoiding which may result in civil law against the company and avoid action which portray an unfavorable image about the company. All business are concerned with the three basic things, if not taken keenly the business can result to large loss and company reputation. A business theory addresses various sectors by assigning corporate attorneys and public relation to escort the employees on t heir dairy activities. Anytime an employee might stay a narrow and straight path for an acceptable conduct. Obviously, the solution would be a financial disaster is carried out in practice since it cost the company more. However, it is not the philosophers can teach the ethical issues, even if they can teach the advice will not be financially efficient. Morally responsible, pay attention to the product safety, truthful advertising and environmental impacts with excellent working conditions, we can never solve the tension between the ethical interests. Business people argue that the symbolic relation between business and ethics in which ethics naturally emerge from a profit oriented business. They are both strong and weak version of this approach; it expressed in dictum moral ethics result to a good business. It may be the best financial interest in respect of the company privacy policy. Moral business, practice usually has an economic ad vantage in the long run. It provides little incentive for business which is designed to simply as a matter of survival. More business practices are not economically viable even in the long run. Second approach to business ethic is the moral obligation in business which is restricted to what the law requires. Universal aspects of western morality have been put into a legal system such as, law against stealing, killing, fraud, harassment, validity and society wavers about its acceptance. Issue under consideration such as determining the counts is responsible in marketing in privacy in the work place. Moral requirements in the society become evident when considering societies that have strong external source morality, broad range of the requirements prohibits against sleeping partners that collect unearned money. Business ethics have limitation ethic is complex and history is filled with different theories, which systematically refuted by rival theories. We expect to find controversies when applying ethics in practices of the business. However, they bring closer to an acceptable moral behavior, close attention to ones profit motive and moral interest of consumers, in addition, the above business ethics help to examine stories of business that have a moral responsibility. Such often reveal blatantly crude,